Trevor Perkins
Bass (auxiliary)
Trevor Perkins began playing music at a young age. He started playing the cello at just 8 years old, eventually progressing to the bass guitar at 14, guitar at 15, and piano at 21. He has an extensive history of playing all styles of music from jazz to traditional latin church music. He credits a large part of his musical development to his experience learning music in arts-magnet elementary and middle schools, as well as the fantastic music program at North Side High School in Fort Wayne, IN. By day, he works as a music therapist serving mostly individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, and has always been passionate about using his talents for the betterment of others. By night, he works as a freelance bassist frequently playing in musical theatre pit orchestras, weddings, record dates, wallpaper jazz gigs, and Pink Droyd shows!
Trevor's love of Pink Floyd goes back to his Dad, who regaled him with stories of his time in the military, where he woke up his army barracks by playing the intro to "Time" at full blast on his speakers. The music of Pink Floyd was always playing in the house and in the car, with "Animals" being the most frequently played. Pink Floyd stands as one of the singular most influential bands in Trevor's life, and he is elated to have the opportunity to bring this music from his childhood to the stage.